Swensen's girl.

Today was pretty much a good day although the morning had been sort of a drag. Went to play pool at Bukit Timah with WY and CM. Today's performance was so-so. Was quite bad at certain point of time. The best was when I put in about 4-5 balls in a row. I felt damn great la. Hahaz.
After which we hop down to Swensen's for dinner. I wasn't feeling hungry and was on tight budget anyway so I just had the Frosted Chocolate Malt. And yeah, didn't regret my order. :)

Okay. So you might be wondering who's the girl I'm refering to in my title. Let's just name her E. Haha. I dare say she's the first Malay(I believe she's one) girl I'm interested in. She looks sweet and innocent, just like me! LOL. Well, basically I've seen her before once. Which is during early May this year. At the same place. Not at the same time though. But it was a Sunday. Anyway, expressed my interest to CM and WY and ya...the teasing keeps on going. And I became more mad la. Was pretty hyper. Hahaz. Then got one time I was playing with my phone when I didn't realize that she was actually refilling our glasses with ice water. When she was halfway doing that I looked up and realized what was happening. I was damn surprised la. LOL.
Then, I drank like 4-5 glasses la, each time hopeing that she would refill again. MAJOR LOL. HAHA.
Haiz. That Swensen's ar...holds the few best moments of my life. N, XR,E. Oh my oh my.
Didn't expect it to happen la. Now 3 people are in the same league. When will the one jump onto this bandwagon? I can't only wait and wonder on...
ERIKA. Sweet like my frosted chocolate malt. XD
12:18 am
Swensen's girl?
More like Syamil's girl, lah. Go be Lou Bega (if I got the name remembered correctly).
A little bit of Erika by my side... top