PP=Power Panda.

Yeah! I want my pp as strong as pp! Nevermind. Was just being lame. Anyways, watched Kungfu Panda yesterday with the ADC peeps at Plaza Sing. What a bunch of noisy company la. And I literally mean the 2 meanings of company; friends and also approximately 1oo strength men. You want to know why? I bet you wouldn't want to know.
Anyway, the movie was smashing! Like how Po(no not Teletubbies, its the Panda. Although I suspect that they are somehow from the same family) whacked Tai Lung(the evil guy). Yup. It was super funny la. Damn cute. Neveertheless, underneath those laughter there are some life lesson takeaways that somehow restore the old values that have been long gone from me.
"Yesterday was history. Tomorrow's a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it's called present."
I highly recommend this to kids la. I mean it is some sort good in the point of view of moral education.
A few seemingly good movies are coming soon. Dark Night. Zohan. Incredble Hulk. Shaolin Girl seems nice. Cool stuff.
Went to play pool after that. At Meridien. I love walking through town. Free washing eyes services. DAMN GOOD STUFF! GUA KATA SAMA LU LA BRADER, BARANG BAIK PUNYA!!! Hahaha. Freaking happy la. Especially at the pool place. And suddenly I played pool at my top performance la. Hahaha. But still not that good yet la haha.
That pretty much ended my weekends. Enjoyed myself albeit at cost of a hell lot of money. Burnt a hole in my pocket la. But it was worth it. :D I guess that is all that matters.
Ouh ya, Ben told me today that there's a cheaper place for pool. Somewhere opposite PS. Damn. Would be good to know that earlier. Hahaz.
P.S: I've been wanting to say this but I kept forgetting. So here goes. It has been more that just once instance that this happens. Since the past couple of weeks, I seem to see resemblances of you in other people. It's kinda awkward because I'll be like staring for a while just to confirm its not you. Haiz. Sometimes I feel like I've gone bonkers. But all is still within means. Manageable. :)
Believe. So tough to believe. Even if it means in yourself.