Power to the people.
Power. Somehow almost everywhere I look, people seem to fight for it. Club. NCC. The world.
It's the overwhelming desire for this that causes havoc and breaks peace and efficiency. How sad. If put too good use, imagine how nice the world would be. But then again, what's so good about a perfect world. What's next if the world is so perfect free from all troubles, desires and what not?
Anyways, whatever it is, I still don't like it if I see this. People fighting for power. Especially when they are fighting with me. Damn. I didn't even ask for this. But since its entrusted and I already accept it, how can I stop half way right? Fuck it. It came to me more than once to quit this. But I think that's just the way of being a pussy. So yeah. Its up to me to change things. My main stand is not to surf using the board of emotions. That would be terrible.
Damn. Damn. Damn. I need some stress reliever.
Quote of the day:
"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."-Dr Napolean Hill
Some random stuff:
- Something damn funny and kinda embarassing happened today. Was chasing this bus 99 in the rain. No, I did not fall. Just imagine a guy running with and umbrella and suddenly woosh! the umbrella flapped upwards due to the strong wind. Major LOL. And to top that up, it happened in front of the bus stop where there's a number of people. And before going up the bus, I heard a kid's laughter. Neh neh pok. Laugh at me. HAHA. Funny.

- I love cheap thrills!!! Basket sia. What's with some women these days. Bend 90 degrees be more careful and discreet la. No need to show everything mah. But I dare say I didn't see la. Later people say I chee ko pek. I don't such a label. Hahaz.. Pleasant looks is enough for me. Need not show more. Not in public. :)
It's the overwhelming desire for this that causes havoc and breaks peace and efficiency. How sad. If put too good use, imagine how nice the world would be. But then again, what's so good about a perfect world. What's next if the world is so perfect free from all troubles, desires and what not?
Anyways, whatever it is, I still don't like it if I see this. People fighting for power. Especially when they are fighting with me. Damn. I didn't even ask for this. But since its entrusted and I already accept it, how can I stop half way right? Fuck it. It came to me more than once to quit this. But I think that's just the way of being a pussy. So yeah. Its up to me to change things. My main stand is not to surf using the board of emotions. That would be terrible.
Damn. Damn. Damn. I need some stress reliever.
Quote of the day:
"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."-Dr Napolean Hill
Some random stuff:
- Something damn funny and kinda embarassing happened today. Was chasing this bus 99 in the rain. No, I did not fall. Just imagine a guy running with and umbrella and suddenly woosh! the umbrella flapped upwards due to the strong wind. Major LOL. And to top that up, it happened in front of the bus stop where there's a number of people. And before going up the bus, I heard a kid's laughter. Neh neh pok. Laugh at me. HAHA. Funny.

- I love cheap thrills!!! Basket sia. What's with some women these days. Bend 90 degrees be more careful and discreet la. No need to show everything mah. But I dare say I didn't see la. Later people say I chee ko pek. I don't such a label. Hahaz.. Pleasant looks is enough for me. Need not show more. Not in public. :)