Ganbei! Err...that's ice tea by the way. LOL.

Dinner by the river.

Supper @ KFC. Had fun chatting away with good friends and the teachers.

About to depart for Phnom Penh. Its good remembering them smiling at the point of leaving. I can't deny I felt a tad of sadness. I just wish them all the best and may they lead better lives ahead, leaving the endless cycle of poverty.

Ice cream in coconut shell! How unique!

My lecturers, facilitators, mentors, friends. I'm very happy that they were the ones who led the group.

Toot-toot racing!

The gangsters. Seriously, it was a fun experience jay walking with cars woozing pass from almost all directions. What you see here are a bunch of people who are in the middle of a junction where traffic has no 'government'.

Me with my favourites. Haha. :)

Dance dance dance!
Horsing around. LOL.

Having fun.

What the fuck.

Tuol Sleng Museum

Me and lil boy.


Sunset 1

Sunset 2

Sunset 3

Our dining area.

The 6 houses.

Solar panels.

On the roof.

Me and house no.2.

The factory.

Ah Nan's flying kick!

Pimp? LOL

Scarecrows. HAHA.