Taking the heat.
Treading on the line. That's what it was like this morning.
From the wee hours of the morning having my sahur to the minutes just before the sun sets in. The weather was the main culprit. Blazing hot sun with clouds passing by rarely. Sitting on the bench was tiring enough. And when it was my turn to play, it was too hot for hell to break loose. But they said I ran a lot. Which I think was the reason why I was in such a bad shape after training.
Resting time was the only period to regain energy and collect back all my thoughts. Looking at the dried leaves on the ground reminded me of myself and the rest who were fasting. Our bodies were running low on water. Then it all came. Thoughts of those who are in much greater plight. Not here but somewhere out there. Where conditions like this are such a norm. How in hell can they survive all those shit?
During the games, my performance took a descent. Today is the first time I rammed into people or vice versa. And worst of all, they are girls that I'm running into. Well, that's beacuse the games I played are all against them. Sad case la...
After bathing, I felt much better but my mouth was dry till I can't feel any saliva. And at that time it was still hours away from 'liberation'.
On the MRT, it became a worse. Firstly, I felt tired but I just couldn't sleep. All I was thinking about was plonking myself onto the bed when I reach home. Then, the smell came. Damn, it f***ed me up. Couldn't stand it. Already I was out of water, now I'm also out of breath.
Reaching home was a wonder suddenly. And the next thing I knew, I couldn't sleep again! F***ed U*!
And when I finally break fast, I could sense multitudes of feelings: enlightenment, euphoria, relief, accomplishment. Drinking tea was a jubilation. Was sort of on the verge of tearing. Hahas...
The day of temptations. The resistance. The patience. It was all paid off (though it would be better if the Sakura idea were to have turn out) in return for a lesson learnt. Oh ya, did I mention the hordes of people who were drinking and eating away. It was all so...RAHHHHHH!!!
Overall, I was glad I didn't gave up fasting half way through the day. Others were eating chocolate cakes/muffin/brownies and gulping down 100 plus and water. It was again all so....RAHHHHHH!!!
It was a hell of a day. But it all ended well.
Off to my chendol now! :)

The start of a new beginning? Or is it just my wishful thinking? God , lead me to the right path. Ain't wanting anymore regrets.

From the wee hours of the morning having my sahur to the minutes just before the sun sets in. The weather was the main culprit. Blazing hot sun with clouds passing by rarely. Sitting on the bench was tiring enough. And when it was my turn to play, it was too hot for hell to break loose. But they said I ran a lot. Which I think was the reason why I was in such a bad shape after training.
Resting time was the only period to regain energy and collect back all my thoughts. Looking at the dried leaves on the ground reminded me of myself and the rest who were fasting. Our bodies were running low on water. Then it all came. Thoughts of those who are in much greater plight. Not here but somewhere out there. Where conditions like this are such a norm. How in hell can they survive all those shit?
During the games, my performance took a descent. Today is the first time I rammed into people or vice versa. And worst of all, they are girls that I'm running into. Well, that's beacuse the games I played are all against them. Sad case la...
After bathing, I felt much better but my mouth was dry till I can't feel any saliva. And at that time it was still hours away from 'liberation'.
On the MRT, it became a worse. Firstly, I felt tired but I just couldn't sleep. All I was thinking about was plonking myself onto the bed when I reach home. Then, the smell came. Damn, it f***ed me up. Couldn't stand it. Already I was out of water, now I'm also out of breath.
Reaching home was a wonder suddenly. And the next thing I knew, I couldn't sleep again! F***ed U*!
And when I finally break fast, I could sense multitudes of feelings: enlightenment, euphoria, relief, accomplishment. Drinking tea was a jubilation. Was sort of on the verge of tearing. Hahas...
The day of temptations. The resistance. The patience. It was all paid off (though it would be better if the Sakura idea were to have turn out) in return for a lesson learnt. Oh ya, did I mention the hordes of people who were drinking and eating away. It was all so...RAHHHHHH!!!
Overall, I was glad I didn't gave up fasting half way through the day. Others were eating chocolate cakes/muffin/brownies and gulping down 100 plus and water. It was again all so....RAHHHHHH!!!
It was a hell of a day. But it all ended well.
Off to my chendol now! :)

The start of a new beginning? Or is it just my wishful thinking? God , lead me to the right path. Ain't wanting anymore regrets.

7:25 pm
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