Awwww....not again....lolx...
1. The tagged victims have to come up with eight different points of his/her perfect lover.
2. Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
3. Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If you are tagged the second time, there's no need to do this AGAIN.
5. Lastly, most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.
My requirements for girls. (wtf? ignore tt expression...hehes...)
1. Must be chio la!!! Okay la...chio in any way oso between the lines hor...
2. CANNOT WHINE!!! Lolx...
3. Understanding.
4. Honest. Even if it means breaking my heart.
5. Sensitive towards her surroundings and of course me.
6. Independent but at the same time take me as a person whom she can confide in and share problems with.
7. Loves me. err...that's like DUH rite... hahaz
What were you doing in secondary school.
1. Talk crap.
2. Running around sweating it out.
3. Whack balls.
4. Stamping feet.
5. Putting up with shit.
6. Laugh horrendously like nobody's business.
7. Sit in class and rot.
8. Want to sleep but always kean whack by Pei Yan.

Tt's Pei Yan....Notice tt middle finger? Only I know who it is for... :) Lolx..
Five of my fav. singers/bands.
1. Kris Dayanti
2. 2D...a malay boyband
3. Jay Chou.
4. Anuar Zain
5. Eminem :)
6. Rabbani :)
I know i typed five la...but I failed A-maths ma...nowadays...counitng need a lot of knoledge you know...1+1 is not 2 hor...tha answer is 3... thosewho understand binary thingy should know la hor...haha
Five things I would do if I were a millionaire.
1. Open up multiple companies so that people can have jobs.
2. Give necessary aid to unaided people
3. Buy a couple of my favourite cars.
4. Send my whole family to Mecca for Haj/pilgrimage.
5. Give money to scantily dressed women so that they can buy more cloth to cover their body parts. Oh ya...that's the fasion nowadays more for less....lolx..I must keep up with the trend nowadays...
6. Buy a 2 room HDB flat.
:::: Calculation error due to human error. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Problem may arise again:::
Five things I like doing.
1. Talk cock.
2. See chicks.
3. Sleeping.
4. Dreaming.
5. Watching movies with friends.
6. Listening to songs.
7. Going for expeditions to new places.
8. Doing new things.
Five things I would never buy, wear or get.
1. Womens lingerie...I hereby declare that I hate gays...depise stick dunwan..want to have buttons...fucked up people...
2. Cigarettes...god give you good health dunwan...go and spoil it...
3. Tank tops......that sounds rather heavy...
4. High heels? err...I dun really like them not even on girls....
5. Limelight... I prefer to be low profile....
Five favourites. (in particular order)
1. Myself. lols..
2. My family.
3. Pretty gals!!! How can guys live w/o them??!!
4. Slow songs...
5. Enlightenement.
6. Selected friends...
And the lsit goes on and on and on....
Five people to this.
1. HAFIZAH!!!! Revenge is sweet....lolx...
2. Shankra.
3. Chee Meng.
4. Woei Luen.
5. Haikal.
6. Cheryl
7. Xiao Qian.
8. Yi Ting.
9. Thomas
10. Shahid
11. And you who are reading least I know you've read this crap...wahahahaa
Wah lao....suppose to be studying now lor....syamil syamil....*shakes head*
1. The tagged victims have to come up with eight different points of his/her perfect lover.
2. Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
3. Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If you are tagged the second time, there's no need to do this AGAIN.
5. Lastly, most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.
My requirements for girls. (wtf? ignore tt expression...hehes...)
1. Must be chio la!!! Okay la...chio in any way oso between the lines hor...
2. CANNOT WHINE!!! Lolx...
3. Understanding.
4. Honest. Even if it means breaking my heart.
5. Sensitive towards her surroundings and of course me.
6. Independent but at the same time take me as a person whom she can confide in and share problems with.
7. Loves me. err...that's like DUH rite... hahaz
What were you doing in secondary school.
1. Talk crap.
2. Running around sweating it out.
3. Whack balls.
4. Stamping feet.
5. Putting up with shit.
6. Laugh horrendously like nobody's business.
7. Sit in class and rot.
8. Want to sleep but always kean whack by Pei Yan.

Tt's Pei Yan....Notice tt middle finger? Only I know who it is for... :) Lolx..
Five of my fav. singers/bands.
1. Kris Dayanti
2. 2D...a malay boyband
3. Jay Chou.
4. Anuar Zain
5. Eminem :)
6. Rabbani :)
I know i typed five la...but I failed A-maths ma...nowadays...counitng need a lot of knoledge you know...1+1 is not 2 hor...tha answer is 3... thosewho understand binary thingy should know la hor...haha
Five things I would do if I were a millionaire.
1. Open up multiple companies so that people can have jobs.
2. Give necessary aid to unaided people
3. Buy a couple of my favourite cars.
4. Send my whole family to Mecca for Haj/pilgrimage.
5. Give money to scantily dressed women so that they can buy more cloth to cover their body parts. Oh ya...that's the fasion nowadays more for less....lolx..I must keep up with the trend nowadays...
6. Buy a 2 room HDB flat.
:::: Calculation error due to human error. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Problem may arise again:::
Five things I like doing.
1. Talk cock.
2. See chicks.
3. Sleeping.
4. Dreaming.
5. Watching movies with friends.
6. Listening to songs.
7. Going for expeditions to new places.
8. Doing new things.
Five things I would never buy, wear or get.
1. Womens lingerie...I hereby declare that I hate gays...depise stick dunwan..want to have buttons...fucked up people...
2. Cigarettes...god give you good health dunwan...go and spoil it...
3. Tank tops......that sounds rather heavy...
4. High heels? err...I dun really like them not even on girls....
5. Limelight... I prefer to be low profile....
Five favourites. (in particular order)
1. Myself. lols..
2. My family.
3. Pretty gals!!! How can guys live w/o them??!!
4. Slow songs...
5. Enlightenement.
6. Selected friends...
And the lsit goes on and on and on....
Five people to this.
1. HAFIZAH!!!! Revenge is sweet....lolx...
2. Shankra.
3. Chee Meng.
4. Woei Luen.
5. Haikal.
6. Cheryl
7. Xiao Qian.
8. Yi Ting.
9. Thomas
10. Shahid
11. And you who are reading least I know you've read this crap...wahahahaa
Wah lao....suppose to be studying now lor....syamil syamil....*shakes head*