Darn it manz....getting off the rail for the past few days....have been kinda slacking...my work is going to flop soon with the rate I'm going...haiz..luckily got Vesak Day.....can buy me soe extra time....
And what the hell....never in my life had I known that drawing can be so difficult lo...
damn mah fan, must be damn accurate....and every mm counts.....millimeters lor...not centimeters leh..wah piang...my head go ding dong bells kelempang kelempong ping pong sia...
Anyway...that's about engineering drawing...hmm...lets see wad i did for the past few days...
thursday....end at 5...tot got movie but postponed to the nex day...den wad ah....?
Shucks....memory loss ah...nvm...I'll just skip on to the movie then...
Watched Mission Impossible 3 at JP.....went there early...after prayers at Jurong East, went straight there....den walk walk for a while...went to Sportslink and saw Theng Loke...still working as hard...haha...den met Chee Meng...like before...with his cap...hahaz....den while waititng for shankra, went to Value to get drinks....then after that...met up with Shankra and Aisyah...then go in, smuggling 4 bottles of drinks...haha...
The movie is damn nice ah...so cool..and I like the negro guy....he adds humour to the storyline....hahaz...and then there was this scene where they blowed up a car...and the car is f***ing nice lor!!!!!!! and its bloody expensive lor....but i guess they just blow up the chassis for the real thing lor...i mean who would want to waste millions on just a single prop sia...

It cost millions lor...we're talking about a hell lots of zeros ah....wah....buay tahan....but the one in the show is nicer cause its orange...the dull type..not the striking one...it looks more cool...snd like what Maggie Q said " That car is just so nice!!" Lolx...who wouldn't want it? And she looks sexy in the red dress...hahaz...
ok...then there's this part where tom cruise and his teamate act like they are quarelling...they argued in french i think...dunno wad language la...haha...but it looks damn comical...lolx...use DHL's name some more...
the gadgets and movements are very superbly cool lor...wah...shiok man...must go catch it...its really worth it...
So after that we went out...then just look around the mall...then shankra had to go off first so left me chee meng and aisyah...we wnet to mc to sit and chit chat...borak borak...like what the malays would call it...had a good chat...about guys gurls..wadeva la...lolx...then just went home after that...
today, felt rather lazy to go to TP...had to do some discussion on project....ok la...not so bad....my group's pace is ok...we're ahead a bit...then after abt 2 hrs plus...damn sian so decided to wrap things up...me marcus and jesmond went to KFC to eat....after than went to challenger to see games....manz...i feel like getting a laptop soon but then have to wait...sian...anyway...I suddenly had the urge to buy NFS most wanted... then was like thinking about it on the way home...so then i decided to drop at JE go to popular and try....to get it..but then dun hav....sian...so went jp...go popular...get sis's prezzie...cuz today he birthday...happy birthday!!! and then went cyberactive...my last hope..and guess wad...left one only!!!..then i took the box...went to counter...they check the system...out of stock!!! ARGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT....they found one!!!!!! after about 10 mins of searching... i was down there damn nervosu lor...have or not have or not... i was darn happy when playing it just now...speaking of that...i'm going off now..to play it...haha
oh ya...playing soccer tomorrow....finally.... :)