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My first HQ camp.

Alrites...back from camp...though bloody short, I certainly enjoyed myself...the limited sleep nites, the fun of teaching others, encouraging them and so on.... :)

West District Specialist Course Phase 2
Kilo 3
Assistant Platoon Commander

Yup...a bit of summary on my role there. My platoon was the biggest with a strength of 55 man-girl-power. 6 girls and the rest are boys... a good bunch of people...MOST didn't give much of a problem...and ya...those who got 3rd Sergeants...do not be depressed what-so-ever....its just a piece of green cloth...my underwear is more valuable.... :P

Anyway...book in on Tuesday night. Had a briefing...everything seems alrite but you know...you just have to prepare yourself mentally for it...the cock ups....the problems...the shits...and then got to know that I'm attached to Francis...a SCLT...and CLT Hairi...we made a pretty good team with the 2 of them needing to book out at some times...I think our platoon didn't realy contribute that much of a problem... :)

After the briefing that night, we were hungry so we called Mc to deliver food. Ate at the staircase area there...had fun eating with the 51st Clts...cracking stupid jokes and stuff...hahaz...after which we went back to doing our own wirk because we were all attatch to different departments of the camp....CM went to Admin, WL to Log...me to Kilo 3 APC and so on....I got my manual from francis and started reading on it...by then i think it was like 1 in the morning....pretty scared reading alone inside my bunk whil the rest are sleeping because the bunk that we CLTs had to sleep in was kinda 'dirty'...got kay pohs there lar...very sian....then at around 3 then I managed to complete everything and went to sleep. Woke up at around 6....went to have a cold shower... and changed to full uniform... went down for breakfast and surprisingly to me....some of them arrived earlier than expected...saw some of the Kilo 3 for the first time...admin stuff were carried on and yeah...by around close to 9....everyone were ready to carry on with the tests and stuff...it was really a headache.....because, most of them were not taught well...so had to revise and all...pretty time consuming....and ya...IFC test first...I had difficulty in giving the marks because I have to give marks that must consider the aspect of quality and humanity...if I was strict...I think 90+ % of them would have failed..meaning they may most probably wont pass out with a new rank...zero promotion...so ya...the ones that I think can at least teach the cadets, I give them the marks....the others...I try to pass them....and yup...at the end when the scrores were tabulated...none failed....heng ah...

The only reason why they should fail is that if they have a damn fucked up attitude. Then they desrved such treatment....even though they weren't fully ready to teach theire juniors...I have to give it to them because they have served NCC for 3 years....and I don't want them to think that they came for this course for nothing....so for my platoon, all were promoted to at least a sergeant rank...to those who got 2nd...congrats for the 14 of you.... :)

Then had dinner and stuff...had to debrief them and send them off to their bunks...so after everything was settled...they all made it to bed....I was pretty f-ed up that night because there was something that went wrong with the bunk allocations...and while I was walking around trying to settle stuff...I noticed a couple of girls outside this particular bunk for boys...they can't get in to retrieve their things ( when they came everyone was not allocated to their boys and girls bunk yet ) so I was wondering why...and of course the reason is someguy was inside half naked...

So I stepped in.....

Nobody said 'room' as if I'm invisible like that...

And that blew my top straight away. It was like the first time I shouted and scolded people at HQ. And ya, after that things went on fine there...after a while, I couldn't actually believe that was me because I don't usually shout and scold at cadets...I just tell them what is wrong and comand them to do the right things...ya...that was like something new....

and then that night, had another briefing...discussed on serious matters and mistakes committed..and again I can't believe I actually speaked out and so called arrow people but that wasn't my intention seriously because...I mean it is just practical that I share it with others so that the mistake will have lesser chances of repeating. And ya...I think with my CLT rank, I've changed to some sort of a better person...as in...a BIT more outspoken.... :)

And yupz... I realized this is the time where I can learn most. Though the heat was on, with an open and rational mind, we learnt from our mistakes and also that of others. and then after all those things, we went back to work. We had to prepare the certs and stuff...pretty hard work I must say...and then I became so sleepy that I just conked out without knowing. Then I woke up at around 5 plus and I realized I was all alone. As in the only one awake. I went up to my bunk and on the way up some cadets were already washing up getting ready. When I went in, everyone was still sleeping because they had worked their ass out the other night/day. I layed on my bed for a while and decided to take a short nap and at around 6, I woke up again to meet the cadets at the company line. Had breakfast and stuff. I was kinda surprised that they actaully wrote testimonials for us. I mean, we did ask them to do but then I didn't expect them to produce it because there wasn't really time for them to. But yeah..that's my platoon...pretty cool... :)

My testimonialss arent' that interesting....not much of negative comments...common words would be like caring, strict, take care of welfare bla bla bla....but the person who got flamed most was my PC francis...hahaz...they said that he is very vulgar and unreasonable and so on....hes not THAT bad lar....just that its normal to use a bit of vulgar now and then...and you know whats their definition of vulgar? A slightly harsh word like "bloody clown" is also considered vulgar...I am like wtf!!!??? LOLX.......kids nowadays....hahaz...

And then went off to MPH ot take photo taking. All in all, it was done pretty fast and smoothly. Nothing interesting. And then we the cadets did some rehearsals for their Passing Out Ceremony. Just a simple one. and then had lunch and then they jsut had talks by SAF officers. While they were there the instructors went back to Learning Terrace and sort out the ranks that were to be given. There was a lot of work especially the administration. Plus the extra stress and burden put on us by the Teacher Officers...and there were some controversies over the ranks and stuff...what I'm certain is that we give what we think they deserve. I had done fair assessments on my platoon and ya..its the best I can give. In just 2 days, its difficult to make a better and more accurate assessment. It is just too short. So in the end, everyone had their ranks and I think for my platoon, most are okay with it. We explained to them that ranks are not of much importance and so on....I mean its true lar...at the end of the day, its the given respect by the cadets that matters much.

Then they had their light refereshments after which they went back to their bunks to take their bags and go home. oh ya, saw some of my 51st platoonmates....was happy to see them too... :D

"The world is unfair.Look at your fingers, arent they all not the same?"

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