Just got back from camp. It was...well...needs a lot of improvement...truthfully, now I can see the leaders emerging from their cacoons..however...you all have to buck up real fast...do it for yourself...your success in the future is in your own hands...we as seniors can't do anything much...in addition, we have our own 'O's to take care of...
Definitely, there were bad and good things in the camp.
The following account on it may not be so good...but take it as an advice or something...whatever it is, all of it is based on what I know and experienced...I'll write about what I had undrgone during the camp...if any of you part Cs happened to read it, hope that you all will benefit from it.
So on Tuesday morning, I went to school early...upon reaching some area near Parc Oasis... I drop off to buy some magazine...no its not FHM..neither has it got to do with porn...well, the cover page showed a mitsubishi evo 9... I thought maybe I could read during any free time during the camp...ither thatn flipping out my hp and go to my picture gallery....
So much for that, I couldn't really read during the camp...apparently, I was damn busy and tired and interestingly, sleepy....
So I had to rush a bit as I had to report at 7 for the Electronics workshop at NHS...So after the workshop at around 2....I booked in officially with Shai...and from there we went to the field to help out in the tent pitching....
Tent pitching...hmmm....
I feel like spouting vulgarities but nvm...
I know the equipment was not suitable or rather all of us were not taught on how to use those newly bought equipment....so we had to improvise....and ya..we wasted a lot of time on that...but what I wasn't content about with actually was that you all didn't adjust to that 'calamity'...what should be done was to adjust the itinery...the schedule should be worked at...because the other junior cadets were waiting for us... I mean..what signal are we giving to them here? And i'm afraid that this will repeat again in the following camps....definitely, this is something to be worked on....
After that we had dinner and I was damn shocked when I get to know that you all are having plain water for the meals...I mean...is it that bad? Something could have been done....and I was dissapointed that none of you took the initiative to do something about it...is it too much to chip in some money to just buy some drink sweetener and ice? I mean you all could have raise funds to buy them...afterall, its your welfare we are talking about here...I know that the budget was very, very, very, very pathetic. But that shouldn't be an excuse, should it? You all have to be more innovative...I hope you'll learn and rectify it the nex time round...and since I'm talking about the meals here....please ensure that you all look through the pack list thoroughly...if you're not sure..consult...afterall. the seniors are there to help...and I'm sure we'll be very glad to do so...
So after dinner, the juniors were released to go for their wash up and after which they had to undergo some theory lessons pertaining to trainfire...I observed and eventually, it turn out to be the seniors teaching instead of you all...but for this I think..it's still quite acceptable...maybe you guys are not that ready yet....but still... buck up...
then after that the juniors were sent to their bunks to turn in....
I slept on the floor of the ncc room...man..it was freaking tiring....shall mention about this later on again...
So next day, woke up at about 4+ and then went to bath...no rush...and then went to 1/5 to pray alone cuz the others were not up yet...anyway I didn't want them to wake up so early..they need the rest for the trainfire test later on at HQ...
So again, like the day before, went down to NHS for the workshop...did something rather meaningful there...got it here at home...no not the 'game set'..its something else....after that went back to school and then they were training on drills...having their prof. test later on that day...I eventually went to the part C to mark for their prof test...it was a mock one....and to those who were under me...I know that I wasn't being nice or rather lenient...but seriously, that is the type of marks you guys are gonna get if you all are not serious about it... even though it was a mock... I expected 100% delivery from all of you...if you all make mistakes i don't mind...which human doesn't make mistakes right? But yo alll were not serious at all...ya..its funny I laughed along with all of you...but then this is your test and I'm just being fair..if that is your attitude..then that is your marks..anyway...the marks are of no importance....nevertheless, I hope you all will tantanount to the desired standards demanded of you...you know what your encik Kenny have said... I believe there isn't a need to elaborate...or rather repeat...
After that dinner and then we sent the juniors to their tents to sleep...after their wash up and all those stuff....because at night we were going to have night pt...
night pt...
designed to change the mindset of cadets...
so that they will have a taste on how to react under harsh conditions...
and so it was carried out.
Prior to that I myself had a short nap. At 2 am, I woke up and I've already seen the part c's getting ready...well done...then at 2: 30..it commenced...it was normal pt and yeah..hell sort of broke loose...it wasn't as intense as the one that the Part D had experienced....because we only had about 90 minutes before sending them back to sleep, the one that I experienced...we didn't had the chance to went back to sleep. We were forced to stay awake. To make it tougher, we were placed in the air-con room of the ava...it was very easy to go into sleep because it was so comfortable....and we were forced to sit upright...
Then, I was involved in the ocbc thingy...went to grab the cadets and then sent them for interview..the panel was all so sleepy...i was the first to tap out...i went out of the classroom and slept there all the way till morning...the corridor was my bed...it was haven for me at that point of time...
Then this morning, the juniors unpitch their tents and packed up after which they proceed on for their AAR...they fill up the survey form and then everyone started preparing for muster parade...shai, hakim, teng chin and me wore on the lanyards for the ocbc people...it was really an honour...after that we all went home....
This is the first camp which I craved so much for sleeping time. Usually, I would be excited to stay up and gaze at the stars and chat with my comrades... but this camp..I'm so exhausted...plus...argh...nvm...yar..I thought I can enjoy watching you all train the juniors..instead we have to do much of the job as well...damn tired..
to the part c...
hope tt this camp is a learning experience for all of u...there is much to be learnt...i see that you all are too lenient to them...you all have to push them..they are slackening and yar...you all have to take things into your own hands..take responsibility, initiate things..make them happen...and don't be afraid to carry out things...because during the camp....you all consulted us too much already..its your camp..you people are the ones running it...we are just there to guide you all...
none of us wishes to overwrite all your plans...you all have to think as though you are already sergeants...becuz...the part ds are already inactive...hope that you all will excel and make us proud...you people will make it...just strive hard and do your best...teamwork..that is very important...never ever fight among yourselves....if the camp in Sept. is on..I hope much improvemnet will be made...
Even though the camp was not that smooth, I didn't regret volunteering...it was time well spent...we were needed and yar...helped out a lot..anyways..i needed to 'get out' of normality for a while...really tired and drained out of energy...my sleep for both nights was like "touch n go"...even though I'm not the one going through the training...I was damn exhausted...den..kept looking at the pic...tok to others abt it...not much but yar...anyways...with the camp over, I guess its back to fixing back my probs...
::: Power without control is futile :::