F1 in Singapore!?
I know I said I won't be updating much but I just can't resist it when I heard the news this morning. It was confirmed on last Friday that there's gonna be F1 racing in SINGAPORE! I can't believe this is happening. I mean Singapore is like so damn small as compared to other countries and yet it can take place here! This is damn cool la...imagine cars that goes 300+km/h running through the Singapore roads..its gonna be great..Singapore is also one of the 3 countries to host a night racing for F1. And man its also gonna be a street circuit.Wohooo! I love street races...Though I don't really watch F1 basically because I dun have cable at home, I still feel excited about it. The high speeds are enough. So I guess it will be in September in 2008. That will make a huge history. LOL...

The circuit. One of the easiest circuits. So high speeds are highly expected.

They're coming for us...Yeah...

The circuit. One of the easiest circuits. So high speeds are highly expected.

They're coming for us...Yeah...