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The world, a new perspective Tuesday, May 29, 2007 |

I hate to say this but as you grow older, you'll realize more that the world is a cruel place to live in. Some things, especially the negative ones, are just part of our everyday lives. Sometimes, somehow, the world around you just forces you to be one hell of a chicken bastard/bitch.

Within this first term of my 2nd year, I've already come across with a few examples. Its really sad I must say.

God knows. That's all I've got to say.

Messed up but on the road to recovery. Sunday, May 27, 2007 |

I just realized I hadn't blog much about my hockey trainings. Not that I didn't go for trainings but so far, I've nothing much to blog about. Made a few friends there and I can't deny that the girls there are pretty sexy. LOL...That is so me right, hahaz. But no la. Like I've mentioned before. I joined TP hockey just for one sole reason and that is to play hockey. Not to play other things if you get what I mean.

Heard that competition this year has chances of being brought forward. That for me is bad news because my fitness is still like crap. Anyway, me being in the 2o man squad is a 50-50 chance I suppose. Already I'm attending like only half of the trainings(because I have lessons on the Thursday trainings) and there is not much time left.

The team dynamics for this one...ermm..hmmm...not much comments at the moment. Off the pitch I guess its good but on the pitch I've yet to see.

Anyway, if I am selected for the team I just hope the competition dates are not clashed with anything important. I've enough of clashes.

I'm really lagging behind now. Everything seems to be rushing past. I guess the reality of living in Singapore is really settling in. I better get a grip of myself.

Just some random statements...

Term tests are in a week's time.

I don't feel like going for CSS NCC annual camp. In fact, I don't even feel like going back. Finding it to be pointless. I don't owe anyone any explanations. Don't ask me why. Ask yourself why.

Looking forward to the Brunei trip. Went for the briefing recently. The guys who are going seems fine. I hope the atmosphere is the same as the first Mt Ophir trip I went as a CLT abt a year ago.

HQ is becoming like my 2nd home. Hahahaz...that kind of feeling I didn't expect to have.

I still have school work to do. :(

God, please give them some jelly knocking. And please create some magic for CSS to become better. Really, I think that school need some miracle. I mean, a hell lot of miracles.

What are ranks for? Thursday, May 24, 2007 |

Let's go straight to the point. You don't need our input do you? We went through the course for what fuck? If you still don't know the answer, then let me tell you.

Reason 1: So that we would go back and render our service.

Reason 2: So that we could clear up the mess.

Reason 3: So that Gold would be in our hands.

I really feel like fucking people right now. If our opinions are not to be bothered, then I suppose we need not be here. If our instructions are not executed, then I suppose we can fuck off. If our ideas are dismissed just like that and those from others who are not officially in this oganization are accepted, then why the fuck are we here? At these junctures, I really question why I went through the course. Why should I go through the course when I can just come back and help out, just like that?

Why did I painstakingly, motherfuckingly, went through the course, the process when there is another way which is very much less tedious?

I guess only a TRUE CLT knows that.

I can't stand it, powerlessly looking at things go down. What more when I'm suppose to have the power to change things around.

Let me see what's going to happen for the camp. I'm really tempted to fuck off halfway. Good thing I didn't waste my time putting in my utmost effort to change my exam dates. I mean, for like what FUCK! YOU DON'T NEED CLTS!

Negative gradient Monday, May 21, 2007 |

A day where dy/dx=-x. Started pretty okay. Went down to Suntec to collect some stuff. The shop was supposed to open at 11am but when I reached at 11.15, it was still closed. Since I was already there, I didn't want to waste my trip so I walked around while waiting for it to open. So at around 11.30, the shop did open. I was to redeem some handphone(basic function only la...no camera all that...lolx) there and there was already a couple of others around. Somehow chatted with the shop owner and another Malay uncle for a while. And then the uncle offered me a ride to TP. So nice of him. Thanks to him I was not that late for lecture. What a coincidence, he lived at Jurong West too. Anyway, upon reaching the carpark, I was wondering what car was he driving. It turned out to be a BMW! I'm kinda surprised to say the truth. I guessed it was my first time. It was an old series however but who cares, the car looks cool. Bright red in colour.

Dynamics lecture was as usual. Pretty dry. Always make me feel sleepy. And after that was Machine technology. Was doing the assignment which was graded when the program suddenly closed on its own! What the crap la...fortunately got enough time to redo. But thanks to that, now I'm more comfortable using the program. :)

After that went for Finance lecture at Business School. Guess what? Saw 15! Lol...and then guess what again? Saw Gina! 2XLOL....haha...eye candies only la....but what a combo...its like one after the other....Finance lecture...didn't really understand a lot of things. But I think can manage la...if not can ask Marc to help ma...he so pro...haha...

Now here comes all the wrong things...

Firstly, lecture ended like half an hour later than designated time. That nevermind still can tolerate. But after that, someone pissed me off to the max and lo and behold, the F word came out. I was really out of control. Luckily after that he was not to be seen. That was what started the ball rolling. All the way home I felt really agitated. CCB.

Secondly, my mp3 died when I was on my way home. Like wtf. I really felt like cursing out loud. After that got someone sit beside me. Man, the smell. The FARKING smell, it pissed me off even further. Unbearable, both anger and yeah, smell. CCB number 2.

Then, to appease myself, bought a chocolate bar. This one became CCB number 3. It was melting and feels sticky. Luckily its not that bad. In the end, what I thought could help me, made me feel worse. I really felt like being home at that point of time. :(

That was my day. Haiz...If not for the consequences, I would have punched you right there and then.

Can you hear my screams?

Hmm...some thinking... Sunday, May 20, 2007 |

Sometimes, to do what's right, we must be steady and give up the things we desire the most, even our dreams.

Hmm...is it true? If it is then I will feel afraid because dreams...are just too good to give up. Anyway, I just realized something when watching Spiderman 2 just now. Even heroes have enemies.

F1 in Singapore!? Monday, May 14, 2007 |

I know I said I won't be updating much but I just can't resist it when I heard the news this morning. It was confirmed on last Friday that there's gonna be F1 racing in SINGAPORE! I can't believe this is happening. I mean Singapore is like so damn small as compared to other countries and yet it can take place here! This is damn cool la...imagine cars that goes 300+km/h running through the Singapore roads..its gonna be great..Singapore is also one of the 3 countries to host a night racing for F1. And man its also gonna be a street circuit.Wohooo! I love street races...Though I don't really watch F1 basically because I dun have cable at home, I still feel excited about it. The high speeds are enough. So I guess it will be in September in 2008. That will make a huge history. LOL...

The circuit. One of the easiest circuits. So high speeds are highly expected.

They're coming for us...Yeah...

Why Love Is Blind Sunday, May 13, 2007 |

Got this from somewhere. Interesting. That's basically the reason why I put it up here.

Why Love is Blind

A long time ago, before the world was created and humans set foot on it for the first time, virtues and vices wandered bored, not knowing what to do.

One day, they were all gathered and were bored more than ever when Ingenious had an idea: "Why don't we play hide and seek?" And all of them liked the idea, and immediately the mad Madness, shouted: "I want to count, I want to count" and since no one else was crazy enough to seek for Madness, Madness leaned on a tree and started to count, 1, 2, 3..

And as Madness counted, the vices and virtues went hiding..

Tenderness hung on the horn of the moon;

Treason in a pile of garbage;

Fondness curled up between the clouds;

Lie said he would hide under a stone but he lied and hid at the bottom of the lake;

Passion went to the center of the earth;

Avarice entered a sack that he ended up breaking....

And Madness continued to count, 79, 80, 81, 82. All the vices and virtues were already hidden by then, except for Love, whom as undecided as she is, did not know where to hide. And this should not surprise us because we all know how difficult it is to hide Love.

And Madness was already at 95, 96, 97 and just at the moment when he arrived at hundred, Love jumped into a rosebush and there she hid herself.

Madness shouted "I'm coming! I'm coming!" and as he turned, the first one he saw was Laziness, thrown to his feet because he didn't have any energy to hide. Then he saw Tenderness in the horn of the Moon, Lie at the bottom of the lake, Passion in the center of the earth...

Discovering them one by one, finding all of them but one. Madness was getting desperate, unable to find the last missing one, until Envy, envious at Love for not having been discovered, whispered to Madness: "You are lacking Love, and she is hiding in the rosebush."

Madness took a wooden pitchfork, and stabbed at the rosebush, and stabbed and stabbed, till a heartbreaking shout made him stop.

After the shout, Love came out covering her face with her hands, and from between her fingers run two threads of blood, out of her eyes. Madness, who was anxious to find Love, had taken out Love's eyes with the pitchfork.

"What have I done?, what have I done?" he shouted. "I have left you blind!"

"How can I repair it?"

Love answered, "You can't restore my eyes. But if you want to do something for me, you could be my guide."

From that day on, Love is blind and is always accompanied by Madness.

a short review Thursday, May 10, 2007 |

Com broke down again which explains my absence. Anyway, won't be updating much. Somehow or another things in life love to accumulate and bang me at one go. As a result, some things clash and I have to make choices. No wonder they say life's full of choices. Aiyoyo..tsk tsk...Hahahaz...

Oh ya, just for the record, I went for my first hockey training on the 5th of May. Oh my, it was disastrous. To me la...because of fitness...nearly fainted nia..but then not bad ah..the guys who attended are also new to the team. At least I don't feel misplaced. Overall it was fun...getting back into hockey. But I can't attend Thursday trainings as I have lessons. Clash in timings...

After that went home to get some rest before meeting Shahid. We went night cycling! Hahahahz....it was damn cool ah...but tiring of course. Cycled from west coast area to national stadium and back. Wah first time cycle long distance, groin area and buttocks all got cramps... Want to walk can but taking the stairs is a chore. Be it climbing the stairs or coming down. Till now still have lei...but subsiding...which is good cuz I got training the day after tomorrow. Yay...going to use the stick Mr Lim gave...haha...can't wait...

And this Saturday also got 53rd clt course bbq...hope it'll be fun.

Just some other random stuff...

Was browsing through creative's webbie when I saw their new product: ZEN Stone...it looks so cute man...so small...69 bucks...haiz...see how la ah....hahahaz...

One more thing before I go...going to Brunei this June hols for some jungle training. If everything goes well la...will sure be an excellent learning experience other than getting the badges. So looking forward to it...but the bad thing, have to miss spec course la..but nevermind...still have senior spec...wahaha...

ok..till next time...