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some things...3rd job!!! Thursday, December 29, 2005 |

Alrity, my first day at work again...this time it better lasts...and it was a coincidence to have Mandric working there too...

So woke up this morning, didn't really feel like going anywhere..felt sleepy and all that...but sian..go work...took the mrt and i discovered....


Not 1 lo....but 2 leh...wah piang...i looked and the feeling is just ewww.......hmm..do women cut leg hair? Should they? I wonder...

Anyway, I am the cause for being late..sorry willy because my time estimation was rather bad this time..hmm..the workplace was some warehouse...a book company....and seriously there is a hell lots of books there...like those textbooks and workbooks you have at home now...most of them comes from there...and its kinda of a cool place lo...we take trolleys and go around the allys and find books and pick them out...but the work was...not say that tiring but it really made me perspire...and we became rubbish collectors too...like doing CIP sia...and somtimes can like climb on the shelf lo...cuz can't see mahz...anyway..the company damn kiasu and kuku lo...you know what's the working time...its from 9:15 to 6:03...wth...3 minutes also can count in...I may as well do OT....aiyo...

then while clearing the rubbish just now...willy told me he was reading some books..like off sthe shelf....then while going home he told me about it...it was some book talking about sex...how the desire for sex can increase and then dip at a certain age...different for both man and women....then we found out that the vagina can actually be repaired leh!!! Very diao...it was though some exercise called kagel i think...ok...shall not elaborate more...go find the book and read it yourself...haha.... :P

i pity mandric lo...he work alone la...different job given to him...and its like the other part time workers slack and bully him lo....pinned him with their work...he has to go up and down the building...wah...really peng..tupid asses taking advantage of other people...haiz...

then went back to jtc to see our "beloved " venus...or izzit venice? diao lo...name venus say venus la...want us to say venice....duish...haha..just kidding...anyway..me and willy agreed that something....jsut something and we can't really determined what is it..really...she reminds us of TR...and urgh...i'm not thinking about it..no i'm not...too sensitive la...can't reveal the whole picture here...later kena hentam bola...no la...later hurt ppl fweeling...hehezx

then we also think the security guard there kinda better la...far much better than Mr R and Mr D....refer to thomas blog for this...haha..really lo...but the one at our workplace was pathetically slow...i tell you that guy is really nuts man...freaking turtle...argh...nvm...

"I'm in a difficult position. I really don't want to, but I just can't help it" :(

6L gathering Tuesday, December 27, 2005 |

Woke up. Felt happy. Went into bathroom. Shower. Smile into mirror.

Going to meet my Pri school peeps!!!

Suppose to be a CLASS gathering but well, like any other class outing only about 8 people could make it. Nevertheless, it was fun being able to spent some time with old friends.

Went to East Coast Park again but this time I finally went cycling. And man...6 bucks for so called whole day...from 1pm to 6pm.....and the bikes are damn good lo...actually its the same bike rental place during the supposedly 4/3 class outing.

So we cycled towards Changi and talk a lot along the way...scaring each other with our bicycles...especially Rachel lo...who nearly made me fall...aiyo...hahaz..very funny...then when we reached the country club which marked the end of the cycling track, we headed back to Mac to have a late lunch. Along the way back, the rain was getting a bit heavier so we pulled over at a shelter to take a break...

At this point of time I want to curse that bloody someone...!#$!$$#%$...wth lo...

I was pissed la because at the shelter there there was this MAN and this girl form ngee ann sec...how I know? cuz she wore the shirt behind got say one la...ok..then we sat there la and were talking to each other...loudly? I don't think so...then a few minutes later, he got up and asked...

"Eh, who's the leader of this group?" Then we looked at each other.

"Sorry ah but me and her are dicussing some prolem here and you all are making alot of noise."

Then he went on to say, "Already you all never ask permission when you all came and now make a lot of noise."

Ya..roughly that was what he said...the way he said it is not really rude la but wtf.....its a public place la...need to ask permission? Come on lo...be more reasonable la...its raining..and there isn't really any other place left for us...you think its your father's beach is it? How selfish can people be...very diao...so before it becomes more tension and something bad happen we decided to just rode off in the rain...kns....

Anyway, after a distacne we talked about it la...and suspected that they were involve in under age sex or pre marital sex or whatever...we didn't discuss much about it lo....its their problem la...wtf...

So we were happy again and after bedok jetty, the rain was really heavy so we decided to stop at another shelter. then there was this old man down there lo..then my friend Kai Kok asked him or rather told him that we were going to stay to seek shelter...and without saying anything he got up and left....weird...we're not sure if he misunderstood us or what la but its weird...

we set off again and finally reached mac. parked our bikes outside and eat. it was really entertaining lo..we had so much to talk about and exchanged with each other lame and cold jokes....we were there for quite a while..and yeah..I'm glad I came...

then we moved on and again it started to rain heavily so we stop over at the amber beacon...some yellow tower by the beach...we were stranded for a longer time la but we didn't mind because we kept on talking and talking...there were even racist jokes lo..and XY and R kept talking about tsunami and tsunami..haha..actually its only R la..and she wants to be 195 cm by next year...or rather she claims she will be that tall next year...haha...for ur information...she was the shortest among all of us there...yar..and she's obsessed with ronald susilo...and wants to cut her hair like mine cuz she thinks my hairstyle looks like his... -_-' nvm....

we then finished biking all the way and headed back to return our bikes....its been really long since I've cycled at ECP...the place has changed alot..and I discovered that there were a hell lot of breakwaters...and the beaches are kinda cleaner I think...though it rained it was really fun...the kind of fun i had not had for a long time...

and man...my butt hurts...because of the bike riding la...haha...must cycle more...

I suddenly realised today that I'm surrounded by a group of friends who are high flyers..as in their academics are pretty good as compared to mine...i kinda feel ashame of myself...for having to result in such a position...haiz..well I cant change the past.may as well concentrate on the future..i dont want to have that same feeling again...that really lousy feeling...liek having lost everything in the world...but i must say i'm thankful for having such friends...who still accpets me even though i'm poor in my academics...bah...sad case....so lets make it a happy one next time round...hahaz

Hopefully there will still be more of such outings..."we should have it every year from now on...until we grow old." hahaz..that was what I heard one of them said....that'll be nice...

tsunami Monday, December 26, 2005 |

Today marks a full year since the day the tsunami pounded the shores of several countries in Asia. It brought back waves of memories for those who were adversely affected. It was an event when mother nature had gone wild and I bet none of us would want to live to see it coming again.

Channel News Asia broadcasted a series of shows regarding the catastrophe, bringing especially those in Asia closer to the affected countries, affected people. Outstaniding tolls of population were wiped out in a single torrent of waves. What more, there were several waves when it happened on that day, on the 26th of December 2004. Houses were drowned, battered and shattered. Survivors were left with nothing much. On the contrary, they had only themselves, with seeds of new lives planted within each of their hearts.

There were immediate actions of finding their loved ones, of finding new ways of building homes, of finding different means of survival.

Through television, I witnessed the epitaph of the destructive waves of tsunami. It was indeed horrific. It was like a war zone only with the absence of weapons and scattered bodies. It's been a year and most bodies were given proper burial while others, buried under the piles of debris that are yet to be cleared. Large expanses of land were flattened and it gives rise to an emotion which is hard to describe. It was a mixture of peace and liberty but at the same time sorrow.

What struck me most were what were left behind of the tsunami and the stories that were retold by the survivors in particular of Banda Aceh. Among the structures left standing were mosques which to me and perhaps most of the Muslim community, is not very surprising. To many of us, it is just another sign of the power behold by the Almighty. It is just another indication to remind us who actually possess the true real power.

Even though it didn't came as a surprise, the facts and stories of it amazes me. There was this particular mosque about 20 metres inland from the shoreline, made of wood and planks and the damage sustained was only 10%. It was right smacked in the path of the towering waves and yet it did not collapse like many other buildings. According to one of the survivors who managed to seek shelter at that mosque, the level of water was only knee height in that area. I'm not sure as to whether it is the truth but the fact is, its made of wood and it still stands.

Another story tells us on how the waves actually split into 2 while it approaches another particular mosque. Similar to the one above, whether it's true or not, the place of worship still stands.

I've written in the part above with the intention of reminding myself to believe in what I had believe in. To have such an occurence in the middle of a disaster opens up my eyes, my mind and my heart. It strenghtens the faith that I have and closes up spaces for any qualms.

It will take many years more to rebuild the lives of those who were victimised. It is no doubt a terrible tragedy but I am sure it has its own positive effects and impacts especially on the people, not only for those who were affected but also for the rest of the world.

I admire those who actually stand back up on their feet and pursue their life as normal as possible. Especially for the kids, seeing them smiling and having fun with their friends makes me wonder, what is so tough about our lives as compared to theirs? I can't imagine what would happen if one day, reversal roles were to be played upon those kids and the children of Singapore. Maybe Singaporean children will just cower in fear and pee in their pants. I must say we aren't really tt independent. Since young, most of us are placed in a system and have the luxury of just focusing and flowing through it. I don't know. There are just some questions whose answers are of non-existence. Its either that or the human minds are just to weak to grasp or fathom them.

Best wishes to all.

mission fail? Saturday, December 24, 2005 |

One word to sum up today....FUCK.....

Ok la...not so bad...

I'm feeling very carefree now...happy-go-lucky bo chap attitude...

And today's conclusion is: MISSION FAIL

Ok la..like I've mentioned above...I don't feel so FUCKED UP...even though when I'm supposed to? Aiya..heck la...I lost steam already...anwyay what screwed me was...

The thing that made my blood kinda of boil was...I had to take a taxi ride home...from ANG MO KIO LEH!!!! !$%#$^#^%%$%$....all the way to JURONG WEST....damn far la...lucky got enough money to pay the taxi fare...haiz...burn my money only...aiyo..work so jia lat then just spent money on some stupid taxi fare...arghh..nvm...

But who cares? Like I give a shit about it...so let me tell you my story...

Just now...went down to ECP for Haikal's chalet...hmm...it was ok...anyway I had nothing better to do...and then eat free food.. not many were there...then after Mahgrib...went down to the beach...and OMG...the beach was really nice at night...I wish I could camp there....it was kinda peaceful..even though there were many people around...there was this feeling of liberation...something like that...

then went home with Thandar and Cherry...take cab to Hougang....then they went to meet their parents and me go home...it was already nine then and I thought i could still make it home by ten...well by 9:30 I was still in that area...I was trying to take a bus to the nearest MRT station. I asked one of the bus driver and he told me to take bus 72 across the road. And so I went there. Then I asked a guy there and he said...take bus 112 at the bus stop where I came from...and so I crossed the road again...then I was so fed up I took the next bus that came and just board it...and eventually I concluded that no...I have to take a cab if I want to reach home in time...so I alighted and flagged one. The driver was nice to talk to. And all of a sudden I became sociable than I was before...and talked quite a lot of things with him. Today I was definitely different...in certain ways...

Oh yes...met this guy..Thandar's freind, and he thought he had seen me before...ok then I said no...so nvm...then I went online just now and Sarali said I looked like her friend...hahaz...what a coincidence...

And when I went online...its the first time 4 people talk to me at the same time...I'm like flabbergasted...don't know who to reply first...weird...

Good day la on the whole..with the exception of having to burn money for taxi fare...wasted...next time will use hell money la hor...

I don't know what else I should do...suspend it or pursue it? Tired...tired of thinking, planning...especially when it all boils down to nothing...not the first..maybe the second or maybe the third...damn....che mo pan?

2nd job.. -_- Friday, December 23, 2005 |

Yesteraday was my first day at work...again...

Today was my second day at work...

And my last day too!!!!!!!!!

Sad la...1st job..one day pay...2nd job 2 day pay...haiz...can some freelance mathematician help me work out the pattern? This really tickles me....next job 3 day pay?

Anyway, it was some sort of office work that I was required to do....got the job thru my aunt...so its like got lobang one...then at first happy la..cuz the job was said to last for 2 months? Can't recall...

Then today I went to work and waited and waited and waited...and finally Mr Laili came and told me and Saralin, my so called working partner and his daughter, that we need not come aready...cuz got no more job...or rather the job got 'thrown' away....he said that the documents we were suppose to check on were sort of misplaced and disposed...it went missing la so to speak....so sad lo...went home early..with a 2 day pay and only one day work....hahaz..really diao...

The job was on the other extreme....as compared to the previous one...I mean the 2nd job was like in air-con room..hardly any sweat and more of using the brain rather than physical strength...and the pay was higher too... :) i wonder why....

Something just struck me a few minutes ago about all the recent unexpectancies that had occured....the life of someone can never be certain even though he or she may have a good job, or maybe a good family or good whatever...someway or somehow, something will potrude out into our life paths, acting as a hindrance...it is very uncertain as to what the future might be and it is a 50-50 thing, it can be good or the other way round...whatever it might be or will be...the future will be interesting.....it's just how you look at it that really matters...and I think that is good enough a reason for anyone on this planet NOT to commit suicide...

On my first day of work...I felt boredom creeping into me as early as lunch time..(anyway, thanks for the lunch to whoever belanja-ed me :) ) and I realized how difficult a working life might be...if you're not the least interested in what you're doing...after lunch....I nearly slept..because the job was kind of monotonous..then I thought...how about those workers there? Was it tough for them too? Then I realized...maybe they were used to it...or maybe it is the environment...the people there are approachable I guess. Many times I had encounter problems with the photocopying machine...I don't know why but it doesn't seem to like me...and the workers there offered their helping hands and they were very friendly and they can be quite funny too... I was quite surprised when most of the time they spoke Malay...I mean they were non-malays and perhaps it was because they have been working together for quite a long time...

So yeah...they're a nice bunch of people to work with...I kinda wonder actually, am I just lucky to find such nice woking people or is it mostly like that at most places of work? Guess I'll jsut have to expose myself more to the different types of jobs to conclude it...

Oh yar...Saralin, my working partner...she's like in Sec 2 and lives at Woodlands...another thing I don' t know but err...the supervisor during my first job lives in Changi and works at Jurong...and the second job...my 'boss' lives in Woodlands area and works at Tuas...wow...that's a pretty long distance to work...anyway..she's studying in Woodlands Ring Secondary and is in the choir...what else...takes triple science next year? I don't know...maybe I forgot some other things she told me...hmm...yeah...and she was like ''err..ok'' when I told her that I was from Commonwealth...I mean she has like that 'wow' impression...like I'm from some high end school...maybe CSS has achieved a good reputation...but I must say the upcoming batches of students aren't that good, sort of unstable...

Hmm, thinking back...I might not have even talk to her...you know me...I'm a man of few words...so ya...kinda put in a bit of effort in being sociable there...maybe if I didn't talk to her i would have drooled over the documents...

Having a primary school class reunion outing next week...contemplating whether I should go...and Tuck Wen and Xiao Qian...if you're reading this and don't know of the details...you might want to tag and ask me...

1st job... Tuesday, December 20, 2005 |

Today was my first day at work...

And my last day too!!! hahaz... :P

Well...me and willy got this job from some agency at jtc and then when we almost ended our day at work today, they called back to say that we're not suitable for the job...and then go back to them tomorrow to take a 1 DAY salary... -_- diao...but good la..not our fault also that we landed at the wrong job...hahaz..I want my money $$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!

Whatever it is, the experience was an eye-opener for me...got the feeling of a working adult...and frankly speaking....it feels "happier to just study" like what the auntie at the workplace said...it was pretty tough work and dirty too but well..it was an experience I must say...hmm..now i think I'm going to miss school life, especially secondary school, earlier than I tot it would be...

Our job was to actually differentiate the different kinds of plastics and then pack them together....then use a compressor machine to squeeze them together...the machine was really solid man...get knock on the head and confirm u die....

the grinding machine was even scarier lo...it's really gross to imagine what would happen to a human if he or she would be thrown into it...and it was damn loud and deafening....the grinding machine supposed to break plastics into small bits la...so really scary...

then we have this freaking big, humungous, 2xpei yan (kidding :P), gargantuan, gigantic, huge, enormous bag....called the Jumbo Bag!!!...it was really big la...giant size...ok..maybe i'm just exagerating...but I think it could fit like 3 people? from head to toe...haha..

and then I killed 2 mosquitoes!!!! really...chen de...2 of them got the taste of my blood as well as my super lightning flash palm slap and was killed at an instant...muahahz....if i were to stay working there longer....I'll wipe out your entire battalion there I tell u...and sad la...me and willy got itchy all over....arghhhh...

and we were not able to learn how to drive the f***lift la but too bad...we couldn't really continue or rather don't want to cause the job is really very sian....but nvm la....find other job.....

hmm....i really feel that education is really damn important especially living here in Singapore...or at least must have some kind of skill...and it gives me more awareness and conciousness when I want to ask for money from my parents next time...working life is not that easy as you make it out to be...if given a chance, i think 99.999999999% of the singapore working population would want to return to school life...where they are just required to study and study...haiz...reality...we just have to face up to it...and find solace during hard times....

I guess thats' when friends, colleagues, family support comes in...

if you don't think you have any...

come find me!!!!!!!!! i'll be glad....hehex..

:) :) :)

N level results... Monday, December 19, 2005 |

today was judgement day for the N lvl peeps...and man their results were great from what I heard...so i dedicate this entry specially for them...

Congratulations!!!!! You guys have surely made the school proud and really...i salute you guys for doing well..

And if I'm not wrong...1 of the students frm CSS actually top the nation...how cool is that? Even tho its N levels...its still worthy of praise...

I don't really look down on people who are poor in their academics...i don't care whether they're from special, express,normal or wadeva...I mean I'm not that good either...as long as they do their best...that's what matters most...

I don't know why but I feel so happy....for them...really.....

My dream is to actually have my own car garage...
where I can fine tune cars...and stuff...
and i would want to employ...people with gd attitude...
and people frm all walks of life...
people frm ite,poly..wadeva...
maybe even ex-convicts too...
to give them a second chance in life...
I really wish I could do that..and I'm going to work towards it...

So once again...Congrats and kudos to all N level peeps frm CSS...my best wishes to all of you guys...hope the O level results will bring similar glory to the school...

Very happy...

:) :) :)

bad few days Sunday, December 18, 2005 |

Lately, I was faced/challenged with some attitude problems displayed by the people around it...and perhaps myself too. I'm really running out of ideas as to how to make thing better. I feel like its too much for me to handle but yet I know that it's not...I guess I should just put up with their nonsense and cancel out mine...or rather most of mine...

My circuit of anger control had a power trip yesterday...for the rest of the day I was pissed to the max...finding fault with everyone...cursing almost everyone else too....So off I went hollering off what was in my mind...the unfairness was what ticked me off...maybe because of the heat too...I admit what I did was wrong( the shouting part)...but what I said was definitely accurate...Anyway, the desired affect was not engendered so I guess it was missoin fail...in the end I had to give in...so that it won't escalate to a much worse degree....haiz...won't give a rat's ass about it...

I'm not going to bastard about people here...I've already taken note of them...so ya...

Initially wanted to type them all down but I'm just too tired to harp on it...but

I'm just going to move on....

To much happier stuff happened yesterday...


On our way back yesterday, we were on the MRT and then K suddenly shouted Blue!! eh no...Black...hahaz....it was damn loud la...so loud that guy stared at us...we were by then laughing our heads off already...wah lao..matin your fault la...hahaz...lol...then off we went toking about them...I'm sorry but I really dun mean to be racist here...ok...it was just that K's reaction was funny...

Then saw A on the MRT...SC's ex...then we all call out to her and her expression was damn comical...her face damn cramp la...eyes almost popped out and stared at us...hahaz...stead for half a month? sad case la...hahaz...

so then went home...bath and eat...hmm..kinda full den sent sis n bro to aunties house before going to "class outing"...it rained liao...hahaz..den met with a friend on the bus..he was to go to Changi to send off some classmate who's migrating to Australia...her 'O's kinda wasted lo...she go ther straight away go JC lo...the academics der kinda slower den us here...so ya...

So then went on...all the way to bedok...den walk walk and ask for the bus to ECP....so waited for quite a while...then the rain suddenly poured down like nobody's business...even though at the bus interchange I got wet also..the wind was like damn strong la...blowing the rain in...sian...and the thunder cracked so loud...and sudden lo...then got this two girls lo...okay la..only the prett one scared of thunder...but it was really loud la....finally the bus came...and board it..and what the hell..it was fraeaking cold lo....then inside the bus...it was kinda empty la...me with my earphones stuffed into my ears..then the 2 gals sit at the back part... iwasnt' far away la...then its like one of them keep clearing the throat like that....what never see people before meh? I look at them a couple of times la..ok..nvm..dis is going nowhere..dun even know why i'm typing this...

anyway, reached there..obviously late...but nvm..enjoyed nonetheless...they were playing pool and then went home with H,J, KH and D...it was realy entertaining to have her around...its just so funny...and don't play play hor..she got power one leh....she say one every one will follow...hahaz...sad la...couldn't join them for dinner..sorry no..supper...hahaz...nvm..u won't get it..

anyway..she really made me laugh...a consolation for the day..hahaz..I guess I'll stop here lo...

Oh yar..sorry nic about yesterday...maybe some other time...

bad few days |

Spiritually dead Saturday, December 17, 2005 |

.Kelelahan rohani.


1st soccer match... Friday, December 16, 2005 |

Today is my free day...except for going out to carry out friday prayers...after that went home, felt tired due to the immense heat..and so I took an afternoon nap.

Nothing much to blog...congrats to all who had succeeded in getting into the desired JCs..and for those who did not...well...face the music...

Shahid called me in the morning just to tell me that he got into Nanyang JC...he really asked for it and I know that he's glad about it...hahaz..all the best brader!!!

Kinda have to wake up early tomorrow for the soccer match...well, its at Yishun so have to set off early...meeting the boys at JE before proceeding...its our first match and I'm kinda worried about the results...but what the hell, we're going to shake their balls...muhahahaz...

Whatever it is, hope there's no unpleasant events tomorrow...if we win, good...if not...we just have to try harder..anyway..its our first...a win would mean bonus or the opposing really sucks...

If you're reading this...wish us luck and the best...and pray that we win..and also pray that the guys won't be late...well, its one of their forte...

Oh yar..my grandma is staying over tomorrow and so I was coerced into clearing the rubbish in my room...well she's going to sleep in my room I guess...

And also the class outing...hope it works!!!


soccer jersey Thursday, December 15, 2005 |

Syamil. 19. Superb

walking in orchard... Wednesday, December 14, 2005 |

Spent the whole time outside today...went swimming in the morning with willy( not the whale,he's a gd friend), then went to Orchard...to...dunno do what...walk walk?

Then met Matin at Boon Lay before taking 187...he said koping money from vilau to buy soccer jerseys...yeah..hope can collect them by tomorrow...

And then took 51...initially wanted to stop somewhere near Orchard but then talk and talk and talk until heck care..so in the end alight at Hougang which is the last stop...not bad lor...longest bus ride in Singapore...took about 2hrs?

The journey damn long la...from JE then go Pandand after which it covers clementi area before proceeding to Pasir Panjang then turn in into Queensway...

Then something vibrated inside my pocket....( not vibrator la...i'm not gay...) and pick up the call...stupid phone la cause after i pick up and said hello, the line got cut off...then the call came in again and what the hell...guess who called?

Mom? Nope....

Friend? Nah...

girlfriend? (Duh...NO..dun hav la..)

It was actually NCC HQ!!!

You know what they called me for? They wanted to kno whether I'm in keen to join the 51st intake of CLT course...i got mixed up feelings about it la...so it was a bit of joy and a bit of #%$$!##%#% oso la...because I was a bit irritated because they kinda asked me at the wrong time...I'm outside lo with friends in the middle of conversation when the call interrupted...I dunno whether to say yes or no la...frankly speaking....so I did what I;m best at..saying "YA" and so i told them I was going...

I would say that I kind of get the best of both worlds? Not really la but somewhat like that...and that was because of a good decision that I made a few months ago....

Initially, I signed up for the 5oth intake that was to be held during the middle of November till early Dec. But obviously i didn't get to go because I was not selected...I mean there's only 50 candidates available for West land district and my koyak prelim results surely would had put me in a great disadvantatge...and my rank is also only a mere 1st sergeant so ya...I didn't get to go...

My initial plan was this...

Sign up for the course anyway...

If I got in... I could skip Prom Nite (who in the hell would want to skip prom nite? Me la..the nut at that time..now i'm kinda glad I went...i think...)and the class chalet...( another gundu me..)...or maybe ask a day off from HQ to go for one of the chalet days...

If not, then I get to go for the Prom nite and chalet....which..ok la...kinda good la...I'm confused here..

What I meant to say is I will eventually have to sacrifice either one and I place that decision to the HQ lo...depending on whether they want me for the course or not...

So the final outcome is...I didn't qualify for the course and so went to Prom nite + chalet and..these events eventually led to a better ending of my secondary school life with the you-know-who-gal I guess...and now i got another chance to go for the course...so I kinda get double benefit...see?

So a philosophical statement...bad outcomes are not that bad afterall...

So ya..but then hor...I got a few large commitments in the future now!!!Or at least going to...

1. CLT duties (hope I can breeze through the course and do my best...)
2. CSS Soccer Alumni
3. Hockey ( no matter whether I go JC or Poly...u c..hockey is a part of me...)

On top of that I'm sure studies will take up a lot of time...and maybe I'm working part time...or maybe not la...too much to juggle already...

So most probably the next few years will be damn busy and hectic and it may feel faster than this year as well...

Ok...so then...after that reach around red hill area there... then go into CBD shortly after and pass by fort canning, peninsula plaza and then reach GEYLANG!!!!

Ok...pardon me for the excitement there...then saw Geylang lorong what...then suddenly lorong 11 already...aiya..dunno which lorong that 'entertainment' palce is...maybe 6 if i'm not wrong...anyway, missed it lo...hahaz...then geylang serai already lo...then finally reached HOUGANG!!!! Woah..longest bus ride....the kuku thing is we then took mrt + nel back to orchard...nevermind lo..now is the best time to waste time...

So ya..walk walk at orchard, eat and then thought of buying HW's b'day present..in the end didn't get la..maybe some other day...

Oh yar....then saw this Lamborghini car outside...err..forgot what building was that...its black in colour lo and it look damn nice...damn big..very solid...

So then after that walk to Plaza Singapura and then decided to go home...

Yeah...fun-filled day..can't wait for more fun tomorrow... :)

1st soccer training.. Tuesday, December 13, 2005 |

So today went for soccer training...it rained in the morning and I thought maybe the training won't be that fun..anyway, the rain reduced to a drizzle before it totally ended. And the training turned out fine...and finally got to use my soccer boots again...i mean..the last time I used it was like a year ago and that was also the time when I bought it...the feeling of playing soccer at the field was kinda similar except that it feels more liberal...and it can get quite scary too...now I'd developed this fear of fast-moving balls that can actually cause you to have concusion and the brain spinning under the skull...and man...it is scary too to be part of a 'wall'...our team's wall just now was err..pathetic? Most of us just dodged away when the ball comes...very amusing cause it really defeats the purpose of having it placed there to defend the goal.

Yeah...there were a lot of funny moments I must say

kaninabu cheey bye (infinite Xs)

and I better be careful before I lost my manhood just because of soccer....


Hols... Sunday, December 11, 2005 |

Gee..its been closing to a month since the last 'O'level papers...time really flies at supersonic speed i guess...darn it I haven't been blogging abotu stuff lately..so I'm not sure if I've actually fulfilled my free time...literally free...if u want to purchase can come and contact me at 9243...you know the rest...

Whatever it is, I'm going to really start looking for a job...I dont' really have the 'luxury' of enjoying the first 3 months of JC life next year so I guess maybe I'll work longer...

I'm not really worried as to where I land..whether it is in JC or Poly because I know that both will provide me with the time to play hockey again...can't wait to kick some ass..or asses...hockey rocks!!!(and I mean field hockey..not ice hockey..tt bang-ppl-on-the wall-thing...tt's cool)

I've many ideas in mind as to how to kill my extra time...but I don't really have set them all into a kinda time-table...not quite sure as to whether doing away with it is a good idea but life has this tendency of cropping things up at the very last minute...well, one thing's for sure..I'm going to enjoy myself big time...

Anyway, was talking to this loooooooonnnnnnnnggggggggg lost friend of mine from primary school...and his 1st few qns was "still havent get a gf yet?" I just laughed it off...and he ACTUALLY got one...you must be wondering why I emphasize on the word actually...looking at it or rather him in a technical way, he's not the type you would want...pardon me for being so mean but ya nvm...its complicated anyway, last time he used to be very timid and helpless...he got 'suan' by other schoolmates and was always being bullied and became an occasional laughing stock...I was in his class for 2 years if I remembered correctly and I was to assume responsibility of looking after him...that task was delegated to me in a tacit way...but I didn't really act like abig brother to him because at such a tender age...I can't quite comprehend the concept of tender loving care...so yar....things like homework or other school stuff I was to able to pass the information to his parents( his parents are close friends of my parents...so yar...the reason for the job)...I sympathize with him last time because ya..he really look like he can't make it into the world...but sometimes I do feel kinda irritated...anyway since he entered secondary school life and NCC, he must have changed quite a lot and now he has a girlfriend who is somewhere in punngol..anway..I'm happy for him now..really feel glad..at least my efforts aren't wasted even though I couldn't really recall what had I done specifically to help him...

Ya..so thats' it I guess...I want a job soon...argghhh..god help me.. :P

nothing much..very little... Thursday, December 08, 2005 |

Got unexpected call today. Apparently the guys from the alumni soccer invited me to their team...kinda surprised because frankly I'm not that good...what more in field soccer...but yeah..decided to join them...I guess I was just asked to make up the numbers lo...but its ok..play my best and for the fun of it lo...and then had to pay $55 for the jersey and stuff...so now...I'm broke liao...can't do that much activities...

Surprising turn in life...good begets good?

Hope so.

The past haunts... Tuesday, December 06, 2005 |

What a day..what a day...

Problems before exams,

Problems during exams,

Problems after exams.

Problems is a necessitie.

Like how toilet paper is,

Like how food is,

Like how shitting is.

The day ended with much professionalism.

Killing me off with a single blow.

What the hell am I suppose to do now?

Feel like walloping the syamil few months ago.

Feel like going back in time and kick his ass damn hard.

What happened has happened.

I can't emphasize more that today just sux...

But I know its a challenge, a hurdle.

One that is made possible for me to overcome.

If not why does it exist?

Its ok.

Syamil has a spirit.

The one that never gives in that easily.

The extra mile he shall run.

The extra battles he shall conquer.

It can be done.

It has to be done.

So that everything will be ok.

If its not ok, then its not the end.

Field Soccer Monday, December 05, 2005 |

Spent quite alot of time outside today..unexpected...and yeah..now in the process of making small steps in taking my life into my own hands...if we want something, we have to go for it and not just sit there idling waiting for some miracle to happen...

Anyway, I went to play soccer with some peeps at NTU in the afternoon...it was quite basd as we didn't really have the proper place to paly our game...but it was quite entertainig though...most of the kids there study in international schools and they speak with some bloody fake english accent..and man...they talk more than they play...anyway...tried playing goalie at the field...it was freaking difficult...obviously because the goalpost is damn big...and yeah...Lionel Lewis..I salute you...really its not easy...but then the Singapore team didn't even qualify to the semis..for the 23 SEA Games...the way they play...kinda funny...its very awkward and I dunno ..its just the way they play...

Then bad luck strikes me..didn't have my house keys with me so had to go over to grandma's place where my mum and siblings were....

Ya..so basically that's it for today...

(damn..she's so chio)

After a long absence Sunday, December 04, 2005 |

Finally back to do some blogging. There's multiple reasons as to why I've not been blogging even though its after the 'O' levels.

So here's reason number #1: My com brokedown!!! It happened on the day before my Physics paper. But it can be considered as a blessing in disguise. At least it left me with no choice but to study and study.

Reason no #2: Not much time to repair my com. Can you believe that? After the 'O's leh...how come got no time??? Ya la..because of this and that lo..the prom night, class chalet, and lots of other things. Futhermore, I need to go to Sim Lim just to get it done. Cuz my com still under warranty lo...

Reason no #3: Not much time to blog. Actually have la..only too lazy .. :P

Reason no #4: I spent time changing skin lo...I mean blogskin...yup finally its done and I'm kinda satisfied with it. Simple and something that I actually like. Looks like it's easy work but I'm not pro in these kinda stuff mahz...so take longer time...cut here cut there paste here paste there...until very sian...

Reason no #5: Didn't feel like blogging. (ok..whateverrrrrr)

The 2 weeks after 'O' levels were kinda hectic and busy. A lot of things to plan and a lot of things to catch up with. I don't want my holidays to be meaningless...this is the time to enjoy and at the same time prepare whatever there is to prepare.

There's really too much to talk about and I don't think I would want to cover all...I'll just type out what I can remember lo...

During the 'O's I committed a major offence lo...but I can't reveal what it is..later I kena by MOE lo...ya...it was during the geog paper la...den.. den... den...aiyo can't say la..nvm..

Aha..but this one I can say...for the physics paper there's this part where they asked on what are the pre-cautions of handling radoactive substances...so I answered something like" ..use thongs instead of bare hands" so its kinda funny la..I spelt the word "thong" instead of "tongs"...I wonder what the examiner will think of me lo..hahaz...

Then there's prom night at the legends lo...frankly speaking I didn't really feel like going..kinda meaningless to me la...dunno why I feel in such a way...I nearly escaped but the plan didn't turn out as I thought it would and so ya..I went for the prom nite...

the prom nite was not bad...at least better than some other schools I guess...judging from what my friends had said lo...it was really surprising as to what the turnout was...almost everyone had seemed like they had gone for some extreme makeover...the non pretty bcome pretty, the pretty become prettier, the non-handsome become handsome and the handsome become more handsome lo...not very grand I guess but it was kinda cool...went there with some peeps by maxi cab and on the whole everything was quite pleasant...but there were some exceptions lo...got a few the face like kena langgar lori like that..its not that it can't be helped but they do it on purpose..i mean this kinda thing very awkward...its like they are out of the picture...attitude lo...the food was not bad too and the games were kinda entertaining...I got the 25th lucky prize...some voucher thingy...then there were a lot of other 4/3 people who came after me but with better prizes...sad...but at least I started the ball rolling..hahaz...then after that take pics lo..damn lot of them...went home at about almost midnight...taxi fare also damn high lo..expected la..

then there's class chalet...err...dunno wad to say la...the things that have been taught seems to have gone down the drain...but nevertheless..efforts count lo so I guess just make do with it lo...at least the bbq was successful...at least enjoyed myself a couple of times...cant' deny that there were a couple of discomfort moments...but I shan't look into them lo...for what right? anyway most of us are going on our seperate ways soon...so there's no point in making a fuss out of it...well, its just typical I should say...that some things take a longer time to be picked up...

Then finally I could go and repair my com...sian I ahd to bring the whole cpu there..and the only thing that's spoilt is the power supply..it is only this small box at the back of the com lo...I could have brought that only....well,but at least I spent time with my family..happy moments togehter...and I also got to learn acouple of stuff...so its still ok...

I spent some time with my family again today..went out to purchase a hp for my sis..she only sec 1 got new phone already..so good..unlike me last time...anyway...I got to see a chio bu!!! Bloody excited la..but of course..must control mahz...hehex..she work at the hello shop there lo the one at westmall...must be some executive post i think cause her attire was different from the rest...omg,omg, omg...the world's full of beauty.....

i guess I'll stop here lo...so late already liao...

oh yes...2 more to go..wad the hell la..can we get this over and done with?