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6L gathering

Woke up. Felt happy. Went into bathroom. Shower. Smile into mirror.

Going to meet my Pri school peeps!!!

Suppose to be a CLASS gathering but well, like any other class outing only about 8 people could make it. Nevertheless, it was fun being able to spent some time with old friends.

Went to East Coast Park again but this time I finally went cycling. And man...6 bucks for so called whole day...from 1pm to 6pm.....and the bikes are damn good lo...actually its the same bike rental place during the supposedly 4/3 class outing.

So we cycled towards Changi and talk a lot along the way...scaring each other with our bicycles...especially Rachel lo...who nearly made me fall...aiyo...hahaz..very funny...then when we reached the country club which marked the end of the cycling track, we headed back to Mac to have a late lunch. Along the way back, the rain was getting a bit heavier so we pulled over at a shelter to take a break...

At this point of time I want to curse that bloody someone...!#$!$$#%$...wth lo...

I was pissed la because at the shelter there there was this MAN and this girl form ngee ann sec...how I know? cuz she wore the shirt behind got say one la...ok..then we sat there la and were talking to each other...loudly? I don't think so...then a few minutes later, he got up and asked...

"Eh, who's the leader of this group?" Then we looked at each other.

"Sorry ah but me and her are dicussing some prolem here and you all are making alot of noise."

Then he went on to say, "Already you all never ask permission when you all came and now make a lot of noise."

Ya..roughly that was what he said...the way he said it is not really rude la but wtf.....its a public place la...need to ask permission? Come on lo...be more reasonable la...its raining..and there isn't really any other place left for us...you think its your father's beach is it? How selfish can people be...very diao...so before it becomes more tension and something bad happen we decided to just rode off in the rain...kns....

Anyway, after a distacne we talked about it la...and suspected that they were involve in under age sex or pre marital sex or whatever...we didn't discuss much about it lo....its their problem la...wtf...

So we were happy again and after bedok jetty, the rain was really heavy so we decided to stop at another shelter. then there was this old man down there lo..then my friend Kai Kok asked him or rather told him that we were going to stay to seek shelter...and without saying anything he got up and left....weird...we're not sure if he misunderstood us or what la but its weird...

we set off again and finally reached mac. parked our bikes outside and eat. it was really entertaining lo..we had so much to talk about and exchanged with each other lame and cold jokes....we were there for quite a while..and yeah..I'm glad I came...

then we moved on and again it started to rain heavily so we stop over at the amber beacon...some yellow tower by the beach...we were stranded for a longer time la but we didn't mind because we kept on talking and talking...there were even racist jokes lo..and XY and R kept talking about tsunami and tsunami..haha..actually its only R la..and she wants to be 195 cm by next year...or rather she claims she will be that tall next year...haha...for ur information...she was the shortest among all of us there...yar..and she's obsessed with ronald susilo...and wants to cut her hair like mine cuz she thinks my hairstyle looks like his... -_-' nvm....

we then finished biking all the way and headed back to return our bikes....its been really long since I've cycled at ECP...the place has changed alot..and I discovered that there were a hell lot of breakwaters...and the beaches are kinda cleaner I think...though it rained it was really fun...the kind of fun i had not had for a long time...

and man...my butt hurts...because of the bike riding la...haha...must cycle more...

I suddenly realised today that I'm surrounded by a group of friends who are high flyers..as in their academics are pretty good as compared to mine...i kinda feel ashame of myself...for having to result in such a position...haiz..well I cant change the past.may as well concentrate on the future..i dont want to have that same feeling again...that really lousy feeling...liek having lost everything in the world...but i must say i'm thankful for having such friends...who still accpets me even though i'm poor in my academics...bah...sad case....so lets make it a happy one next time round...hahaz

Hopefully there will still be more of such outings..."we should have it every year from now on...until we grow old." hahaz..that was what I heard one of them said....that'll be nice...

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