I'll just do a quick update of my life now.
Went to HQ today to do some presentation on the Brunei trip. I like this kind of sharing sessions especially when there's not much of formalities and the likes. And yeah, it automatically put all of us that went onto reminiscing mode. Somehow, I felt different when looking at the pictures. It was a change of seating in my perspective. I felt that I had really enjoyed myself and that the whole course had done pretty good stuff on me. Was talking to one of the senior officers there and yeah, being more experienced people, they told me that whoever goes to Bunei for military training, will either love it or hate it. If you're the individual who is pretty comfortable with nature, then it shouldn't really be a problem. But if you're the "typical Singaporean townboy", then I think you are going to hate the place to the core.
I can't believe it. I actually miss that place. Maybe its because of the life back here.
Where its a hell lot faster.
Where the number of people are a hell lot more.
And most importantly, now I have lots of projects! Wtf ah...For the first time in my life I actually feel very sian doing projects. I think it is because the projects are just a bit too much though I agree that they are necessary for my education. And some of my group members' attitude is not that good either. That is what turns me off. Inconsiderate team members.
School is really moving damn fast now. I'm like left with less than 1 month till my semesteral exams. And there's a lot of things I'm not really sure about. Craps.
And then, my time is also take up by hockey. Now I have matches every weekend. On Saturdays will be normal school training in the morning and the rest of the weekend will be occupied by matches. Not inter-school though. That has yet to start.
Oh yea, just for the record, I find that the sound of a Black Hawk really gives that sense of security. And when I actually saw it with my own eyes for the first time, I thought it was really big and not to mention, a little menacing. Cool.
I think that's all for now. God bless me on my studies. :(
Yesterday was kinda horrible. A day saturated with the F words and the likes. Everyone around me seems to be more or less temprimental including myself. So much so that a lecturer caught me saying the CB word. Just plain suay lar...I somehow find the lecturers in TP to be quite particluar about vulgarities. Yea, so must tone down a bit, when they are around that is. When their presence cease to exist, all hell can break loose. Especially when my care group is together. Haha...funny and entertaining moments.
Today had pizza for lunch with my care group. Ordered 6 XL 14" Sarpino's Pizzas plus 2 1.5litre of drinks. The pizzas were great and I think its better than the ordinary Pizza Hut. And it all sums up to 101 bucks. Yeah.
Oh yeah, the NCC Day parade was kinda okay for me. My first time working with some of the 53rd people. Not that bad for a start. I guess it was all a follow-through kinda thing. Had some problems but then that's the nature of work. And ya, got to see some people true colours. While colours of an organization or nation symbolises pride and the other positive stuffs, the true colours I'm talking about here is totally the opposite.
Looking at the parade somewhat stirred up a new feeling in me. The desire to be part of it. Maybe I'll just participate in one of the small ceremonies one of these days. Just for the experience. And also to top up some value into my Supernumerary badge. We'll see how it goes.
The good season is somewhat over and now is the ride to hell. Life is an up and down kinda thing. You should know that by the time you were born. Cause they did keep rocking you.
After knowing some stuff, I should have done something in the past. I guess I'm just too sucky. If you haven't notice, CSS NCC is plunging down again. For now, hopes for a better unit are getting diminished. A new batch of leaders. A new batch of attitude. An attitude that I didn't expect to get from a leader. Oh wells. Maybe I should draw out the whip and start some butt whacking. That's suppose to be metaphorical.
Oh my I'm talking about NCC again. Its getting really sore now.
HUH? :) Thursday, July 05, 2007 |
I have no inkling as to what you were up to just now.
I wish we could meet again.
Though I've no recollection of how you look like.
I just know you look fine.
And that you really made my day.
At least for that few hours I felt like I'm something to somebody.
Thanks a lot.
Seriously and sincerely. : )

Really hope to see you again.
Cravings... Monday, July 02, 2007 |
I feel pretty envy for my friends who already have their driving license by now. So fortunate right? Hahaz...but again it doesn't really matter. Its just a matter of time to go get one. I'll just wait till I'm ready to have my own money and go through the lessons. Anyway, some of my friends and I took Sheikh's car on last Friday to go for prayers. Its good because our lessons end at 1 and if we take public transport, we will sure miss it. Thanks to Sheikh we need not really have to rush. :) As for the previous times, well, I skipped the 12 o'clock lecture lor...lol...
This is his car. Opel Astra. One of the cars that would be in my list of choices. Another car that I think will be quite feasible for me to buy is this, Proton's satria neo...yea..it looks cool enough to me and quite inexpensive too as compared to other cars. :p
Haiz....wait and wait and wait. Sometimes I just can't take waiting. LOL( License Oh License, not laugh out loud ok.)
New boots by Nike. Check it out yo!

Nike never fails to stun me with their unique designs. This one is the Total 90 Laser. Cool huh? But well, I thought of getting the turf one for my hockey, but then for me it'll be a waste of money since I'm only using it on Saturdays for now. So I guess I'll just send my old Total 90 for repair and that's what I'm gonna use. The old school first version Total 90 I think. I love pictures so below is what mine roughly looks like. Minus the cleaniness and the colour cuz mine is blue and of course,the brand new look la...haha :)