Back to the normal life. Back to taking the MRT from one end to the other. Sometimes it just feels good to be home. Familiar places, buildings, vehicles etc. Although Brunei wasn't that bad, I feel better being back here in Singapore.
Anyway, went for hockey training today. With some irritating flu. :( Got it while at Brunei. Hope its not going to go on for long. So we had a friendly match against SP today. We played 3 halves and scored about 4-5 and they scored 1 or 2. I didn't really keep tracked. I played the 2nd and 3rd halves and it was pretty good for me. Was assigned to be the right striker at first and during the 3rd halve was changed to center striker. When it was like 10 more minutes to end of game, I was brought back to become left midfield. And I tell you, midfield is the last position that I would want to be because it involves the most amount of running. And after the whole thing, the coach said to me that I am able to contribute in that position. Of course I was stunned la....I was like have to do fitness already. Bo pian. LOL....But ok la...I mean I'm just lazy to do fitness that's why I don't like to play midfield positions.
And I saw Jeremy my hockey senior back in CSS. He is in SP hockey. I didn't really notice how he play so I don't know...I guess he's doing just fine.
So had a pretty fine day today. I guess I'm fitting in to the team but sadly I can't come on Thursday trainings. Haiz...crap timetable. It always has to be the CDS subject that's giving the problem.
Can't wait for this Friday. Hehe...promotion day! :D
I recently got to know of this camera and I find it so cool. Its Samsung's NV3. A digital cam combined with mp3. Although reviews about it said that its not that good in both areas, for me its good enough having them combined into one. Anyway here's what it looks like.

Yeah....and below is my so called "theme song" for my Brunei trip.
Ruang Rindu by Letto
Di daun yang ikut mengalir lembut
Terbawa sungai ke ujung mata
Dan aku mulai takut terbawa cinta
Menghirup rindu yang sesakkan dada
Jalanku hampa dan kusentuh dia
Terasa hangat oh didalam hati
Kupegang erat dan kuhalangi waktu
Tak urung jua kulihatnya pergi
Tak pernah kuragu dan slalu kuingat
Kerlingan matamu dan sentuhan hangat
Ku saat itu takut mencari makna
Tumbuhkan rasa yg sesakkan dada
Chorus 2x:
Kau datang dan pergi oh begitu saja
Semua kutrima apa adanya
Mata terpejam dan hati menggumam
Di ruang rindu kita bertemu
I think my 10 days absence was very crucial. Surfaced a lot of things which I don't come to realize. Everytime I heard about it its getting worse. Why? Why can't the got damn thing just progress for the better? And after one group comes another. Is it really beyond hope? I am damn disappointed. That's the most that I can say. I guess this is when Mr Yong's quote comes useful.
"See the forest not the trees"
It has been a really busy week. Traveling here and there, back and forth. Lets see, had exams and camp all in the same week, happening concurrently. Wanted to study a bit at night on one of the camp days but failed miserably. How considerate.
Anyway, not too happy with term tests. And the camp too. Like I've mentioned its been a bustling week but it seems like all are not worth it. Disappointments. :(
With term tests over, its time to concentrate on the 3 projects. Shall list them here to keep track.
1. MCT
2. ProgAuto
3. Entrepreneurship
Flying off to Brunei on Tuesday. Going to stay in some jungle and enjoy myself. Finally a retreat. Let it be a good one. :D
To all those going for class outing, have fun!!! Too bad I can't join you guys. :C Would really love to... :)
Okay...I guess next post will be when I return...wee...can't wait!
Exam week. Monday, June 04, 2007 |
Today was the first Sunday when I've done the most schoolwork. Yeah. And tomorrow is like the exam. LOL. Anyway, this week will be my term test week after which will be the holidays. So tomorrow it shall start, with Math being the first. >.<
Found a new song which I liked. :) And wish me luck for the exams!
Unintended by MuseYou could be my unintendedChoice to live my life extendedYou could be the one Ill always loveYou could be the one who listens to my deepest inquisitionsYou could be the one Ill always loveIll be there as soon as I canBut I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had beforeFirst there was the one who challengedAll my dreams and all my balanceShe could never be as good as youYou could be my unintendedChoice to live my life extendedYou should be the one Ill always loveIll be there as soon as I canBut Im busy mending broken pieces of the life I had beforeIll be there as soon as I canBut Im busy mending broken pieces of the life I had beforeBefore you