Old friends,,, Monday, August 29, 2005 |
I went for the usual night study I had been going to last night. Only that this time the group of people is of a different one. Well, they are mainly my old friends from Pri-sch... I can't deny that they do make a lot of noise. They are the type of Malay boys whom you see walking in the streets in groups. They are not the exterme ones. Just normal, happy-go-lucky kinda people. And they are very obstreperous even when doing work. Its very funny and entertaining to see the words they exchange with each other. All sorts of banter and 'terms' which you wouldn't know if you don't mix around with this people. The first sight of them gave me this thought, " Oh shit, nothing is going to come out of tonight's study session." Guess what? I was proven wrong. They may seem unruly, jumping around like monkeys and talking loudly to each other as if their ears are stuffed with inured ear wax but, work still goes on. We still talk about school life, Maths and what have you. From the outside, you may think that they are a bunch of useless nuts but no, they are not that bad. They are still concern over studies and they do something about it. If you are an outsider, you will be susceptible to making a misconception on them. Throughout the session, they had left me laughing in sticthes and it was less painful whilst I carry about doing my work. They form the lubricant to my process of study as they have made it more enjoyable. In my point of view, they have grown to maturity in a way of their own. A very unique way.
They also shared with me some things that were not brought to my attention due to the different circle of friends since we moved on to secondary school life. Since I study in a school relatively away from theirs, I had hardly met them these years. I had definitely miss out on a lot of stuff. Let me list down the things that we chatted about yesterday night.
- the love kinda stuff that they experience
- about some playgirl
- deragotary remarks made by schools
- about the guy who married 52 times
- the education they receive
- and about some ghost encounter
So yeah, that was what we mainly talk about. Apparently Fir had some ghostly experience the night before. He went to....with his friends and then he told us about this guy who is totally a moron or how Fir would put it, '' sakit wak". He is some big-shot guy who has zero deference at all. In other words, a troublemaker. According to Fir, this guy, during that night, went to these two trees and said some stupid stuff. Then the flock of them had taken a photo there and when they saw it in the digicam, there was something that wasn't suppose to be there.
It's been a while we sat down together and "bual-bual". So when it was close to 11, we decided to head for home. My house was the furthest and I had to walk home alone through the market or what we call "central". On my way home I saw black figures....well they are not ghosts...they are humans actually. Gee, didn't mean to be racist....
Well, shall round up this entry with a list of other happenings....
The Higher Malay Paper 2 was kinda bad for me. It was quite difficult and I think my distinction is at risk. I'll just pray that my Paper 1 can pull my grades up. And I slept for about half an hour during the paper..can't help it...was just too tired.
Got scolded by some aunty last Friday. Scolded me "sen chin ping"...like I don't know what it means. You're the one at fault and you still got the cheek to scold me. It was lucky that I was in school uniform or else, the likelihood of me spouting profanities would be much higher. I was already in a bad mood and that had to piss me off. Like icing on top of the cake, my mother scolding my sister top off the day which was full of heartaches. Haiz.... :(
Saturday was a bit better. At night I repainted my bike. The next day I took it for a spin. Rode all the way to JE Sports Complex and the turn back towards home. Maybe this Sunday, I'll pay the school a visit. I'm kinda happy that now my bike is at full tilt.
What else...had carried out a simple mission tihs morning. Even though I was succeful, I can't intepret for sure what "it" means...
Had a bad running nose this morning....sprinting at 100 km/hr...it was damn irritating...keep sneezing and sneezing...just hope that it won't be like that tomorrow...having english prelims....I think I'll surrender. I promise I won't take in too many cold drinks, chocalates and other stuff that will worsen my conditions. I will eat apples and drink plain water. *Hope tt works*
::: Let not you hatred of others cause you to act unjustly against them :::